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Debunking Common AC Myths That Could Be Costing You Money

Debunking Common AC Myths That Could Be Costing You Money

Unlike most other home appliances, air conditioning systems are complex systems. This is probably why myths about them persist. While many of such myths are harmless, others can cost you money. In today’s post, local HVAC and solar panel company Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. debunks some of these myths about air conditioner myths.


Debunking Common Ac Myths That Could Be Costing You Money -Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.

“Bigger Is Better”

Bigger is indeed better for many things. Unfortunately, air conditioners are not among them. Air conditioners need to be sized according to the house. This is why HVAC contractors never recommend specific air conditioner models and sizes before measuring the house’s dimensions. If an air conditioner is too big, it will be turning itself off and on much more frequently, which will consume more energy. Conversely, an air conditioner that’s too small would be constantly running at full throttle just to keep up with your home’s basic cooling needs. In addition to higher energy bills, your air conditioner would need frequent repairs.

“Turn Off The Air Conditioner When You Leave The House”

Turning off the air conditioner makes sense if you are leaving the house for a long time, maybe a month or two. However, turning it off on a daily basis when you leave for work will actually consume more energy, and may even take a piece from the savings you derive from your solar panels.

Whenever the air conditioner is turned on, an electrical surge causes a spike in energy use. Turning the air conditioner after hours of inactivity means it needs to run longer to meet the room’s or house’s desired temperature. Doing this everyday can cause a significant increase in your utility bills. You can save on energy by turning the temperature up about 10 degrees before you leave, then setting it back down when you return. A programmable thermostat can automate this task for you.

“Fans Are For Cooling The Room”

Air conditioners are equipped with fans for creating airflow. You can also run a standalone fan at the same time to achieve maximum cooling effect. However, fans are not for cooling the room; they’re there for you. There is little benefit to running fans when you’re not in the room. For further savings, always set your HVAC fans to “auto” instead of “on”.

Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. is your leading provider of HVAC and solar installation. Give us a call at (925) 954-9998. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in Oakland, CA, and the surrounding communities in California.

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