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Is It Cheaper To Leave The Heat On “Low” All Day?

Is It Cheaper To Leave The Heat On “Low” All Day?

One of the perennial questions that homeowners grapple with each winter is whether it’s cheaper to leave the heating system on low all day or to turn it on only when needed. This decision is not only about comfort but also the impact on your utility bills. A solar installation company shares more here.

IS IT CHEAPER TO LEAVE THE HEAT ON “LOW” ALL DAY? - Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.

Understanding The Costs Of Keeping Heat On Low

The logic behind leaving your heat on a constant low setting is that maintaining a temperature requires less energy than reheating a space from cold each day. However, the truth is slightly more nuanced. According to the Energy Saving Trust, you consume less energy when you only heat your home as necessary, contradicting the belief that it’s more cost-effective to keep the heating on low constantly.

Moreover, homes are constantly losing heat through windows, walls, and doors. The quality of your home’s insulation plays a significant role as well. Homes with better insulation retain heat longer, which favors keeping the heating on low. However, HVAC contractors often recommend the use of programmable thermostats to maximize efficiency by heating the home only when needed.

The Role Of Programmable Thermostats And Insulation

For homeowners seeking to reduce their heating costs, investing in a smart thermostat and ensuring excellent insulation can make a difference. Smart thermostats allow you to schedule heating to optimize cost and comfort. By setting the thermostat to lower temperatures when you’re not home and slightly higher when you are, you can save up to 10% a year on heating, according to ENERGY STAR®.

Proper insulation is also crucial to minimizing heat loss. Homes with poor insulation will cause the heating system to work harder to maintain internal temperatures, leading to higher energy usage.

Testing Your Heating Efficiency

If you’re curious about the specific impact on your own utility bills, you might want to perform an experiment. Take meter readings with your heating on low all day for a week and compare those to a week with the heating turned on only when needed. Remember to account for weather variations as colder weather means more heating is required.

For energy-efficient solutions for your home, look no further than HVAC and solar panel company Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. Give us a call for all your HVAC needs at (925) 954-9998 for your solar panel needs. You may also visit our contact page to schedule an appointment.

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