Tips On Getting The Best Thermostat Performance In Winter
It’s common for people to set their thermostats a few degrees higher as the days get colder. But you can get more efficient – and more comfortable heating – with the right thermostat settings.
Don’t Fidget With Your Thermostat Settings
ENERGY STAR® recommends 68 degrees as the best temperature setting for the winter season as it achieves the ideal balance between comfort and energy efficiency. Avoid adjusting your thermostat if it doesn’t feel warm immediately; doing so with will actually consume more energy. If some members of your household need more heating than others – elderly family members, for instance – then their room may require a separate thermostat.
Invest In A Programmable Thermostat
You can save on your heating costs by turning down the indoor temperature by 7 to 10 degrees while you sleep. Investing in a programmable thermostat eliminates the need to adjust your HVAC system output manually. If the entire household follows regular sleeping and waking hours, a basic programmable thermostat is all you need.
Households with different weekday-weekend schedules will benefit from 5-2 or 5-1-1 thermostats. They let you program one cycle that repeats five times in a row (for weekdays) with a different cycle (or cycles) for weekends. Programmable thermostats are simple to install and can be integrated into existing HVAC systems.
Thermostat Placement Matters
Thermostats are equipped with sensors that detect the room’s ambient temperature, which lets the HVAC system know if it needs to raise its output. Ideally, the thermostat should be installed at the center of your house, but you should consider areas that people use the most as you will want these rooms to be the most comfortable in your home.
Avoid placing the thermostat in areas where it may be hit by direct sunlight, near fenestrations (entry doors and windows), or in kitchens, where the temperature is typically higher because of cooking and other activities.
Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. is your leading provider of HVAC and solar installation services. Give us a call at (925) 954-9998, or fill out our contact form. We serve customers in Oakland, CA, and nearby areas.